Publishing & Promotion by Scripted

Successful content marketing doesn't stop after posting. It's only getting started.

Benefits of Publishing & Promotion with Scripted

Don't let your content die a slow, painful death. After putting in all the hard work to develop a strategy, and create and publish your content, what a shame to let high-quality content fade away into Google oblivion. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many content creators. However, it doesn't have to be this way.

Marking to the right people

Discovering the platforms your audience and ideal customers hang out at online is tricky. No matter how defined your customer personas are. With such an abundance of websites, platforms, and content on the web, there are 600 million to be exact; tracking down the right people to publish and promote your content too often leaves you lost in a sea of never-ending content.

Expand your content's lifespan

Unfortunately, the vast majority of content on the web is never read. Let that sink in. Imagine spending valuable time and resources only for no one to read it. Many content marketers post their blog posts or articles, sit back and watch the clicks and conversions come in. Only nothing happens. In 2023, posting and forgetting won't cut it. Successfully expanding your content and getting in front of as many of the right people as possible starts the moment you publish. Sharing old content on social media, creating related videos, answering questions on forums, and giving old articles an SEO refresh all work wonders in expanding content lifespan.


Did you know you can significantly increase the life of your content by repurposing it? Repurposing simply means using blog posts or sections from it and turning them into a different type of content to be shared across various platforms . Let's say you have a blog post about content marketing trends, including statistics, case studies and how to meet the latest trends. You could use each section to create a massive amount of content. For example, why not turn the stats section into fun, infographics to post on social media, or create an informative video on the upcoming trends for your Youtube channel? There's no limit to what you can do when repurposing content. However, effectively repurposing content does come with it's challenges.

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The Challenges of Publishing & Promotion


Finding the time to promote your content takes time and effort. After all, there are hundreds of channels and methods to use. Publishing and promoting your content across social media, scheduling paid ads, and re-purposing isn't always top of the priorities list; with hundreds of other things that need to be done.

Knowing where to publish and promote

Many marketers often overlook publishing and promoting at the correct times. Just another task to add to a long list of responsibilities. However, successful content must be published and promoted to the right people at the perfect time.


So you've posted your content and gone about your week; as usual, you find a spare 10 minutes and think it's a good idea to promote that last blog post on your Facebook page, thinking of a caption while sipping a coffee, you then post, receive a few likes and that's that. Done.

If this sounds familiar, it's time for a dedicated publishing and promotion team. Most businesses consider promoting old content an added luxury and don't spend much time creating a consistent publishing and promotion schedule. But publishing and promoting consistently across various channels is essential if you want real success.

How Scripted Can Help with Publishing & Promotion

Numerous challenges are involved with scheduling, publishing, and promoting your content right at the right time. Here at Scripted, our team has the knowledge and experience to help publish your content on platforms your audience loves, create the content for multiple platforms, and create a promotion strategy that makes the most of your content.

Please contact us today to find out how Scripted can be the end-to-end content solution you've been waiting for.

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