Hire AI-Driven Personal Finance Writers Now!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Writers

The rate in which a personal finance writer charges will depend on a number of factors, particularly their level of expertise. Although some expert writers will charge a premium, their rate will be reflected in the content they produce. On average, expect to pay at least $0.10 per word for a professional personal finance writer. Depending on the scope of work, a personal finance writer may charge more or less.

To hire a personal finances writer, it's best to partner with a content marketing platform. In doing so, you will save an immense amount of time. You'll also have the opportunity to invest in quality writers from the get-go, increasing your overall return on investment. While working with a platform such as Scripted, you can browse thousands of expert writers, hiring the perfect fit in just a few simple steps. Take the guesswork out of the hiring process, opting for the most seamless process.

When hiring a personal finance writer, it's important to think about your audience. Considering nearly 60 percent of Americans have less than $1000 saved, and 50 percent of households live paycheck to paycheck, this is a critical topic for so many. A personal finance writer should not only be skilled in writing and possibly marketing, but also have enough experience in finance that they can offer valuable advice.

The content you publish will directly impact your online reputation. That is why you'll want to invest in an expert writer. A professional personal finance writer will create high-quality content, driving your content marketing strategy. Whether your goal is to make more sales or increase the number of subscribers you have, quality content is the perfect stepping stone. As you establish yourself as a leader in the personal finance industry, your target audience will continue to seek out your content, as well as any products or services you offer.

When you have access to thousands of expert writers, honing in on those who specialize in personal finance, you will find the perfect fit, regardless of what it is you seek. From ebooks to newsletters, social media content to blog posts, and everything in between, expert personal finance writers are able to cover all the bases. As you continue to work with writers you like, they'll get to know your brand, helping you develop new ideas to reach your content marketing goals.

Find Your Perfect Personal Finance Writers

Search top personal finance writers to write high-quality content for the personal finance industry. As a Scripted member you will be able to reach out to them directly, negotiate price, and start short or long-term assignments with ease.

Sydney Chamberlain
Hire Sydney C
Sydney Chamberlain is a content writer specializing in informational, research-driven projects. When writing, she focuses on delivering insightful, valuable content with the goal of making measurable impacts for her clients and their brands. In her personal life, she's passionate about travel, wellness, and technology, and those interests often tie into her work. You can learn more about her at sydneychamberlain.com.
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1355 reviews
Hire Sydney C
Rachel MacAulay
Hire Rachel M
In Rachel's past life she was a technology analyst, and she still trusts data and research as the basis of business writing. She has been a freelance writer and editor for 25+ years, with experience writing about technology, travel, nutritional products, domain names, pets, autism, food, exercise, general topics, and more.
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180 reviews
Hire Rachel M
Adam Berguem
Hire Adam B
Adam B. is a marketer by day and a writer by night. By trade, he is a growth marketer. He's an Adam of most trades, master of few who specializes in content/SEO. Specifically, content that is engaging to the reader, SEO optimized, and that ultimately leads to results. Adam B. is a seasoned writer who has experience writing B2B & B2B content in Tech, SaaS, Marketing, Careers, Mental Health, and More. He has a proven ability to help businesses grow their online presence through blogs, email, social media, and more.
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8 reviews
Hire Adam B
Wesley Grant
Hire Wesley G
Wesley Grant is a business and finance writer who has worked with leading brands in the technology, real estate, government, and education fields. He managed successful teams in the banking and insurance industries, but writing valuable content is his passion. Wesley earned his MBA from the University of South Carolina.
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60 reviews
Hire Wesley G
Michael Schlossberg
Hire Michael S
Mike is a writer and government official based out of Pennsylvania. He has written two books, been featured in numerous nationally known websites, including Governing Magazine, The Mighty, and Mental Floss. He maintains a blog on mental health, has written numerous op-eds in local papers and completed over 2,500 freelance articles for other services. His specialties include public policy, health care, mental health, social media, video games, business, finance, marketing, and more.
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346 reviews
Hire Michael S
Ruby Sasha Alosbanos
Hire Ruby S
I love to travel and immerse myself in different cultures. I have written Lifestyle and Travel pieces for travel and tours sites, e-commerce platforms, and offline businesses over the years. In addition, my Biology degree and training in Practical Nursing helps me write Healthcare and Sciences articles.
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155 reviews
Hire Ruby S
Rachel Roderick
Hire Rachel R
Rachel Roderick has worked in the field of Human Resources for 20 years. She has a Master's degree in Human Resources and Labor Relations, and she is an education advocate and literacy coach for students of all ages. Rachel writes on a wide variety of topics, and she is devoted to creating high-quality content for clients in every industry.
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1366 reviews
Hire Rachel R
Scott Kessman
Hire Scott K
I possess a strong 20-year background in marketing, digital marketing, and advertising. However, writing has always been a true passion of mine, and after working in corporate offices for many years, I turned my passion for writing into a full-time job. As a contract content writer for the last 15 years, I can craft engaging and informative content about a wide variety of subjects. I have also written and published two fantasy novels and a collection of short stories.
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1133 reviews
Hire Scott K
Keely Brown
Hire Keely B
As a business writer, feature writer, music/theater critic, columnist and blogger, for more than two decades Keely Brown has been a regular contributor to nationally-known newspapers and websites. Keely is the recipient of a Colorado Press Association Award for feature writing, and a Best of Atlanta award for her daily radio show. Keely is also a career musician, and has toured throughout the US and Europe, performing for dignitaries such as the Queen of England. As a singer, she has been profiled on CNN, National Public Radio and BBC Radio/Television.
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304 reviews
Hire Keely B
Ester Deluna
Hire Ester D
Ester Deluna is a former research instructor who fell in love with digital content creation. She specializes in managing and creating SEO content assets in Education,  Employment and Career, Marketing and Advertising, Personal Finance, Relationships, and Sales. She started working in the freelance writing industry in 2008 (part-time), and after earning her MAEd degree, she now spends her free time traveling to new Urban Fantasy worlds, cafe hopping while enjoying the perks of being a digital nomad, or posting literary photo series while learning how to Think, Write, and Love. ❤️
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182 reviews
Hire Ester D

Why hire a retirement accounts writer?

Healthy retirement accounts are necessary for a stress-free retirement. The specialized writer should be well-acquainted with the various retirement schemes available, which include common ones such as the 401(K), 403(b), and 457, as well as less-known options such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and Cash Balance Pension Plans.

These writers are capable of providing additional outlets in the event that existing retirement accounts have been maxed out. It is a plus for writers to provide specific advice for sole-proprietors, business owners, and standard workers. Ideal individuals should have some background in financial planning or as certified practicing accountants (CPAs). Additionally, writers must be familiar with basic information on most retirement accounts, which include age limits, incentives, matching rates of employers, and tax advantages.

The writer should provide accurate information at all times to help readers sort out the complexities that may arise in IRA rules. Retirement account writers are specialists who will help readers make better-informed financial decisions for their golden years.

Sign up for Scripted today to find the perfect retirement accounts writer for your business.

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